# Registry Toolkit Script File Sample # Funduc Software, Inc. # Copyright 1998-2009 # http://www.funduc.com http://www.searchandreplace.com # This file describes the script syntax for Registry Toolkit v 3.6+ # General Comments # ====================================================== # The # character in column 1 is the comment character. # These MUST go in column 1. # All switches must start in column 1. # Scripts are divided into [Action ] sections that are # numbered sequentially, e.g, [Action01], [Action02], # [Action03], .... They can be in any order in the # script but are processed sequentially by number. # Scripts can also have an optional [Default] section. # [Default] can be used to specify switches that are to # be used in all [Action ] that do not have that same switch # specified. A switch specified in an [Action ] always # overrides the counterpart (if any) from [Default]. # All scripts MUST have at least one [Action ] section. # For a single action script, DO NOT USE a [Default] # section. Use [Action1] instead. # If your script has multiple actions and if you are # using output file(s), use a different Output/Undo File= # specification for each [Action ]. File writes to the # output file are 'overwrite', not 'append'. # See [Action3] below for an example of how to specify # multiple s/r's within a single [Action ]. # See F1 hlp for information on performing Exports via # a script. [Default] # Use this optional section to specify any switches to be # applied to all [Action ]'s. We suggest new users # omit [Default] entirely and specify all switches within # each [Action ]. You can streamline later if you want by # making a [Default]. [Action1] # *** HIVE/HEY TO SEARCH *** # Specify a top level key name to begin the operation from. # Wild card characters * and ? can be used. It is not necessary # to enable Regular Expression mode. The program will # automatically detect and use wild cards. See last Action below # for example. # If you need to reference a remote registry, use UNC style # naming, e.g., Key=\\MainSrv1\HKEY_CURRENT_USER # See F1 hlp for more info on Remote Registry. Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software # *** SEARCH AND REPLCE STRINGS *** # It is OK to leave Replace String= blank when conducting # search-only operations. Results of the search will be # written to the undo file. # If you wish to use the undo file to preview the effects # of a replacement, enter a string in Replace String= and # specify Replace=0 (see below). Search String=Funduc Replace String= # *** CASE SENSITIVE OPERATION *** # 0 = Case Insensitive search # 1 = Case Sensitive search # If not specified, Default = 0 Case Sensitive=0 # *** WHOLE WORD OPERATION *** # 0 = Whole Word matching for the search string off # 1 = Whole Word matching search string on # If not specified, Default = 0 Whole Word=0 # *** REGULAR EXPRESSION OPERATION *** # See Registry Operations - Regular Expressions for more info. # 0 = Regular Expression mode off # 1 = Regular Expression mode on # If not specified, Default = 0 Regular Expression=0 # *** OPERATIONS ON VALUES *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) in registry values # 1 = Search (or replace) in registry values # If not specified, Default = 0 Values=1 # *** OPERATIONS ON KEYS *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) registry keys # 1 = Search (or replace) registry keys # If not specified, Default = 0 Keys=1 # *** OPERATIONS ON DATA *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) data values # 1 = Search (or replace) data values # If not specified, Default = 0 Data=1 # *** OPERATIONS ON STRING DATA *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) REG_SZ data types # 1 = Search (or replace) REG_SZ data types # If not specified, Default = 0 String=1 # *** OPERATIONS ON EXPANDED STRING DATA *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) REG_EXPAND_SZ data types # 1 = Search (or replace) REG_EXPAND_SZ data types # If not specified, Default = 0 Expanded String=0 # *** OPERATIONS ON MUTLI LINE STRING DATA *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) REG_MULTI_SZ data types # 1 = Search (or replace) REG_MULTI_SZ data types # If not specified, Default = 0 Multi String=0 # *** OPERATIONS ON DWORD DATA *** # 0 = Do not search (or replace) REG_DWORD data types # 1 = Search (or replace) REG_DWORD data types # If not specified, Default = 0 DWORD=0 # *** OPERATIONS BINARY DATA *** # 0 = Do not search REG_BINARY data types # 1 = Search REG_BINARY data types # If not specified, Default = 0 Binary=0 # *** PROCESS SUBKEYS OR NOT *** # By default the program will recurse all subkeys. To # process values/data only in the immediate key specified # in the Key= switch above, use the Process Subkeys=0 # switch. Also see comments below about the use of # wild cards in the Key= specification. You should # specify Process Subkeys=0 if you are using a wildcard # in Key= and want to confine the search to the exact key # structure specified. # 0 = Do not process subkeys # 1 = Process Subkeys Process Subkeys=1 # *** OUTPUT/UNDO FILE SPECIFICATION *** # You should use this switch to specify an output file for # the script. It can be omitted but we do not recommend doing # so. You can - and probably should, specify a different # output/undo file for each [ActionX] section in a multi-step # script. The Output/Undo File is NOT an append mode write. # If you don't specify a unique name for each step, results # will be overwritten each time. # A machine environment variable can be used in the path string. # Use the syntax %%ENVVAR=variable name %%. (case insensitive) # NUL (case insensitive) can be used for the file name to disable # the dump for an action. Output/Undo File=D:\Scripts\RTOutput1.txt # *** REPLACEMENT PROMPTING *** # Note: When confirm is on, you may chose to skip all further # confirmations in the confirmation dialog after the first prompt # is offered. # 0 = No initial replacement confirmation # 1 = Confirm replacement prompt supplied for first replacement # If not specified, Default = 0 Prompts=1 # *** PERMIT REPLACEMENTS? *** # Use this when you have a Replace String specified but just want # to preview the results of your replace. The preview will be # listed in the Output/Undo File. # 0 = No replace # 1 = Perform a replace # If not specified, Default = 0 Replace=0 # *** DISPLAY PROGRESS METER *** # 0 = Standard progress meter # 1 = No progress meter is displayed # If not specified, Default = 0 No Progress=0 # *** WRITE REPLACEMENT STRING TO VALUE DATA *** # To write the replace string where a value is found # by the search string instead of changing the value # itself, specify the data type with this switch. # In most cases you will not use any setting for this # switch so leave it turned off or omit entirely. # 1 = REG_SZ # 2 = REG_EXPAND_SZ # 3 = REG_BINARY # 4 = REG_DWORD # 4 = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN # 5 = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN # 6 = REG_LINK # 7 = REG_MULTI_SZ # If not specified, Default=0. Set Value Data=0 [Action2] Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software2 Search String=Test Replace String=Testing Replace=1 Case Sensitive=1 Whole Word=1 Regular Expression=0 Values=1 Keys=0 Data=0 String=1 Expanded String=0 Multi String=0 Binary=0 Output/Undo File=D:\Scripts\RTOutput2.txt Prompts=0 # Note: The below Action does a multiple s/r on # HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Test. You must use the # numbering as modeled below. The first Search String= and # Replace String= specs have no number. The second (and # above) begin with the number 2. Note that an environment # var is specified in the output file path. [Action3] Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Test Search String=FindMe Replace String=Replace with this Search String2=Another string to find Replace String2=Replace with this too Search String3=Locate this Replace String3=And replace with this Replace=1 Case Sensitive=1 Whole Word=0 Regular Expression=0 Values=1 Keys=0 Data=0 String=1 Expanded String=0 Multi String=0 Binary=0 Output/Undo File=D:\Scripts\%%envvar=COMPUTERNAME%%\RTOutput3.txt Prompts=0 # The below Action uses a wild card in the key spec. # The program will search all the 'S- ' keys under HKEY_USERS # Note that Regular Expression=0 is OK. It is not necessary to # enable regular expression search to use a wild card in Key= # Also note that if you want to search _only_ the exact level of # HKEY_USERS\S-*\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts # Process Subkeys=0 should be specified. If Process Subkeys=1 is # specified the program will also search keys under \PrinterPorts if # they exist. [Action4] Key=HKEY_USERS\S-*\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts Search String=Canon 100 Replace String= Canon S880 Case Sensitive=1 Whole Word=0 Regular Expression=0 Values=1 Keys=0 Data=0 String=1 Expanded String=0 Multi String=0 Binary=0 Output/Undo File=D:\Scripts\RTOutput4.txt Replace=1 Prompts=0 Process Subkeys=0